With the Clare Classic just two weeks away, you might be feeling 100% ready for our first major Gran Fondo of the year, but is your bike ready to go.
The good news is there’s time to make those final checks – book the bike in for a service, clean and properly lube the drivetrain, check and adjust the hex bolts on all critical parts of your bike – seat post, saddle rails, stem, bars etc.
Here’s a handy checklist to help ensure you’ve got everything together for the April 8 event.
- Your Bike – Serviced, the chain lubed, tyres properly inflated and all ready to ride.
- Helmet
- Cycling Cap
- Photo ID
- Cycling Glasses
Planning your Clare Classic weekend? Ensure your bike and gear is all sorted out and ready to go.
Nutrition – Muesli bars & nutrition products along with jelly sweets & bananas will be supplied at each rest stop along the way. In addition to this you may wish to bring any preferred nutrition or hydration required for your chosen distance. For more on fuelling for a Gran Fondo read this helpful article here.
- Bike Pump – One on the bike and a track up in the car for the pre-ride top up. There will be pumps available at the start area but be warned – it will be busy.
- Coffee Money – There are cafe’s near the start area and we’ll have a coffee van.
- Cycling Shoes
- Cycling Kit – Suitable for the day’s conditions (check our Facebook page for the latest on the weather and forecast temperature). Socks, knicks, jersey, gloves and an under shirt is always a good idea.
- 2 X Inner tubes – Riders should be able to change tubes by themselves. Not so familiar with this – it’s a critical skill to have and it would be a good idea to practice before the event.
- An air canister, cartridges & tyre levers.
- Chamois Cream (aka Butt Cream).
- Sun Screen
- Multi Tool
- 2 X Water bottles
- Your fully charged Bike Computer
Any questions? We’re here to help. Feel free to message us via the Clare Classic facebook page or shoot an email to in**@cl**********.au