So you’re gearing up for April 8’s Clare Classic – you’ve selected a course length, getting your bike ready and starting to think about the other things you’ll need for the big event. Jersey, knicks, gloves, helmet, sunglasses and cycling shoes.
But have you given due consideration to the socks you’ll wear on the day?
The Sock Maketh The Kit
‘The sock maketh the kit’ as the great saying goes, and who better than to tell us more about that than Dale Smith, store manager at Cycle Closet – Adelaide & Brisbane’s premier cycling kit stockists and valued Clare and Noosa Classic supporters.
“I think because kit design has come so far as far as technological advancements in fabric plus of course styling, socks are simply an extension of that,” he told us during a recent visit to the Adelaide store.
“Not only do socks ‘make the kit pop’, they’re also one of the key contact points between rider and bike – a good cycling sock really makes those contact points much more comfortable and the sport that much more enjoyable.”
Showing us over the incredibly popular Ridge Supply range of cycling-specific socks, Dale said it was important to look for not only comfort, but the right amount of compression.
The team at Cycle Closet in Adelaide show a selection of Ridge Supply socks on offer.
“No seams and good, supportive, all-round comfort can make the absolute difference,” he said.
With flouro colours – particularly bright yellows, oranges, pinks and greens – remaining popular, Dale said the safety factor was also an important consideration.
“Research seems to indicate the moving parts of your body make you obvious as a cyclist and a human being rather than just an object,” he said.
“If you’re going to have flouro anywhere it’s better to have it on your feet and ankles – the bright colours certainly work really well for making you stand out.”
In the lead up to the Clare Classic we’ve been spending time cycling the Adelaide region and can’t help but to have noticed Ridge Supply socks on so many cyclists.
‘Watts For The Sole’ – A section of Ridge Supply cycling socks.
Other than offering slight compression and incredible all-day comfort, Ridge Supply feature catchy styles that include various abstract hill and distant mountain backdrops. The company also use the catchphrase ‘Watts For The Sole’, a feature these socks certainly feel to exude.
“Yes, Ridge Supply have been very popular and do exhibit that safety aspect,” Dale continued.
“The shape of them makes them reminiscent of riding in the hills, which is great here in Adelaide, and also the different colours they offer – you’ll always find a colour that will match up with your kit.”
“Ridge Supply are becoming a bit of a ‘goto’ sock for people – a lot of customers find them the right length, a great looking sock and extremely comfortable.”
Cycle Closet is located at 122 Pyrie Street Adelaide City. The store is open from 10am – 6pm Monday to Friday.