Advanced Sports Dietitian Dr Gemma Sampson explains how the dietary intake of elite cyclists is relevant to amateurs.
There is no doubt about it, your nutrition and the way you eat can play an enormous role in optimising your body composition, recovery and performance as a cyclist. But what is the best nutritional approach for you to make the most of your training? Should you be eating high carbohydrate or low carbohydrate, and what are the pro’s eating?
Ever since Chris Froome posted a picture of his rest day low carbohydrate breakfast during the 2016 Tour de France, many have thought that following a low carb diet is the miracle solution all elite athletes are following for optimal performance. As an Advanced Sports Dietitian based in Girona I have met, worked and discussed the nutritional practices of professional athletes competing at the highest level…
Read the full article here! l Read more of Gemma’s at www.gemmasampson.com