It’s difficult to believe but the 7th annual Bowral Classic is on next month!
Yep, Spring has sprung, the weather is steadily warming up, and now’s the time to be out on the bike preparing for one of the cycling highlights of the year.
The good news is there are still limited spaces in the Social, Rouleurs, Challenge and Maxi-Classic rides. Here are our top 10 reasons to register today.
1: The Challenge
Whatever ride you decide to do, one thing’s for sure and that’s the sense of achievement you’ll enjoy during, upon completion and long after the ride.

2: Accomplishment
Maybe you want to complete your first-ever 100km + ride or improve upon the time you set last year – personal challenge is a big part of the Bowral Classic experience. Spending time at last year’s finish area there was celebration, jubilation and even tears from those who’d finally accomplished a major life goal.
3: The Cycling
It’s not often we cyclists get the chance to ride predominately on quiet country back roads, away from city traffic, and marshalled for your safety. Ask anyone who rode the inaugural Bowral Classic and they’ll tell you how good it felt to enjoy the freedom this unique cycling experience offers.
4: The Location
The Southern Highlands has been described as ‘a small slice of Europe just 90 minutes from Sydney.’ With its relaxed and quaint village atmosphere, fine food, fantastic coffee, unique antique shops and stunning parks and gardens, the region is a memorable destination in itself.
Add to that the brilliant cycling over rolling hills and on smooth, car-free roads and you’ll feel a world away from the daily grind.
5: For Charity
The Bowral Classic is a lot of fun but there’s a serious side to the event. Each year riders raise money for various charity and over the past 6 years countless thousands of dollars have been raised for those who need our help.

6: The Camaraderie
More than just a one-day event, the Southern Highlands region is brimming with keen and passionate cyclists during the entire weekend of the Bowral Classic. People just like you – old and new friends comparing bikes, telling tall tales and true, discussing recent rides and maybe even comparing Strava times and records.
The atmosphere is warm, exciting and electric … some even said the first Bowral Classic had a similar atmosphere to a Tour de France stage!

7: For Freedom
Let’s face it, none of us get as much precious bike time as we’d like. Cycling the wide open spaces of Southern Highlands offers an incredible sense of freedom. It’s big sky country – breathtaking views, distant hills and clean, clear fresh air. No wonder ‘Feel The Freedom’ is the event motto.

8: The Event Village
Food, beer, coffee … and endless bikes to oogle and drool over. Sounds like cycling heaven doesn’t it! The post-ride village at the inaugural Bowral Classic was a huge hit and this year it will be even better.
Imagine relaxing on a beanbag, chair or the soft grass, reliving your ride with friends as you tuck into a variety of the fine food, brilliant beers and quality coffee on offer. You could stay all afternoon and we’d love you to!
9: Your Health
Cycling is a proven way to improve your general fitness and most importantly, the health of your heart and cardiovascular system. It also makes you happy! Ever seen a miserable cyclist? Well maybe for a short time on the more gruelling hills of the event … but after the ride there’ll be a smile on everyone’s dial.

10: For The Feeling
It’s 9pm on Sunday October 16, You’ve completed the Bowral Classic and now at home or in the hotel resting. You’re reflecting upon a standout day on the bike and, despite the stinging legs, dreaming of doing it again. You’ll rest well knowing you’ve completed the challenge, enjoyed a solid workout, and done yourself a world of good.
You can still register – visit www.bowralclassic.com.au and sign up today!