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Support disabled kids’ passion for cycling with Freedom Wheels and the Bowral Classic

By 3 April 2019Charity News

The Bowral Classic is thrilled to announce Freedom Wheels as one of our official Charity Partners for the 2019 event. 

Freedom Wheels gives kids with disabilities, like Avalon above, their very first bike.

Can you imagine watching your siblings ride a bike while you sit in your wheelchair? For many of us, getting on a bike is a rite of passage in Australia.

It’s a milestone with a wobbly start but often in a short space of time you’re off and riding with the wind in your hair and sun on your face to start that life-long love of cycling.Not all of us have the same start.

For many kids who have a disability, they usually start out by watching their siblings, often from their wheelchair. The excellent news is a group of volunteers got together and created Freedom Wheels to give all kids the chance to ride a bike.

Every Freedom Wheels bike changes a life, but $1,000 is needed to get a child riding. The charity relies on kind, considerate and active people just like you to help raise the funds needed to build them. That’s why Freedom Wheels is asking you today to join the ‘Freedom Wheelers’ for the Bowral Classic and help kids waiting for a bike.

Freedom Wheels helps kids with physical activity, positive mental health, social inclusion, and gives them a sense of pride and independence while also learning different skills. Currently they have 163 kids on our waiting list, but you could help change that! By joining our Freedom Wheelers, you’ll have the motivation of knowing your ride is making a real difference.

Freedom Wheels will help and support you; sending you motivational stories, connecting you to prize draws and giving you hints and tips on the best way to fundraise.

For more information and some inspirational success stories here, head to